What is Meant by Software Development?

Mohamed Osman
3 min readNov 9, 2022


Software development is the process of creating a software application. It involves the design, development, and testing phases. Once the final product is complete, it is deployed into a UAT or production environment based on the customer’s requirements. This process happens in phases, separated into three main phases: design, build, and monitoring. In the design phase, the software team collects all the components for the application, packages them, and tests them. Once this is done, the software application is officially released into production. The next phase is the monitoring phase, where the software is used in a live environment to measure overall system performance, user experience, and security vulnerabilities. The monitoring phase can also include bug hunting.

The history of software development is closely tied to the development of computers. Early computers, called analog computers, were mechanical machines. Joseph Marie Jacquard created a system using holes punched in cards to guide patterns on a loom. This method was later used to program early computers. In the 1950s, John Mauchly created the first computer programming language, C++.

When software is developed for an enterprise, its characteristics are critical. These characteristics include portability, adaptability, and usability. Each part is essential in a different type of application. Good software design aims to address these requirements, making it easy to use and anticipating future changes. Further, the software must be scalable and modular.

The design stage of software development involves defining the software’s architecture and problem-solving methods. In addition, it also involves choosing programming languages and technologies. The team then writes code. A testing expert then tests the software. Throughout the process, developers and testers collaborate to ensure the program functions as it should.

The first software delivery increment typically contains the core product, which stakeholders can test. Then the next increment builds on this foundation by delivering more functionality. In this fashion, the higher-priority features are built in first. For example, a social media application may instead have essential features, such as user login and profile creation. In addition, it may add more functionality later.

The service provider should have a clearly defined project scope when a client wants to hire a development team. The client should know what features they want and how to achieve them. The team should also have a clear budget so the service provider can charge accordingly. It is important to note that software development costs vary based on the features that the client needs. The more detailed the requirements, the higher the project cost will be.

Software development is not limited to the traditional IT industry and has many applications outside of IT. Research by the Brookings Institution reveals that the IT industry only makes up a quarter of all software development companies. However, the ICT sector is responsible for $133 billion in business R&D.

Prototypes are an essential aspect of any software project, and software developers must understand their users’ needs to develop practical and functional software. Often, this process leads to problems, such as incomplete specifications or a limited version. Further, users may confuse a prototype with a final product and expect it to function like the last version.

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a standard software development companies use to ensure quality. It follows a structured methodology and involves many steps that must be carried out logically. It begins with the specification of a software project and ends with the deployment of the final product. It also includes testing and maintenance of the software.

In short, software development is the process of building software for computers. The process involves using specific programming languages to produce functional software that addresses a company’s business objectives. There are many stages to software development, but the process generally requires planning. When a software project is completed, it is released to the testing environment. The testing environment tests the software for bugs, defects, and other problems.

Application development is another type of software development. These types of software are designed to provide the functionality to users and can run on personal computing devices, servers in the cloud, or internal IT departments. There is also media streaming development, system software development, and embedded software development.



Mohamed Osman
Mohamed Osman

Written by Mohamed Osman

Mohamed Osman had typical childhood fantasies about what he wanted to be when he grew up.

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